          有趣~讓生存狀態是很好的 simonsaid賽門說(引用LRH賀伯特的內容) “Individuals who can do things no matter whether good 建築設計, bad or indifferent, or outrag 開幕活動eous, simply because they are fun – an individual w 關鍵字行銷ho can freely and with a clear heart do things because they’re fun is 婚禮顧問a very sane person. And he’ll be in good shape.” – LRH (From The Phoenix Lectures) 一個人可 澎湖民宿以做事,純粹只是因為它們有趣的,不論它們是好的,壞的,特別的,或是無法無天的. 一個人可以很自由的,敞開心房的做一件事,只是因為?代償收O有趣的,則該人是心智健全的.而且他的生存狀況很好. simonsaid賽門說,此段話很有意思,一個人之生存狀態是否很好,視其做事時,是否覺得有趣地做. 不 房屋買賣論此事是否是好事,壞事,無法無天的事,殺人放火/姦淫擄掠的事.此呼應了 無需唱高調,"正義凜然"地看人事物,the more serious you are, the less gains you get. How to play a g 買房子ame一文裡面也提及: And don't worry about whether you're crazy or the environment is crazy, be perfectly willing to be crazy. In other words, be willing to be crazy as far as th 東森房屋e environment is concerned. And that way you'll get something done. 過猶不及.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 永慶房屋  .

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